Prevailing Wage and Davis-Bacon Compliance in Alaska

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Alaska's Public Works Regulations

Alaska has both state and federal regulations governing prevailing wages for public works projects:

  • State Law: The Alaska Little Davis-Bacon Act (Alaska LDBA) governs public construction projects funded by state or local governments.
  • Federal Law: The Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) applies to federally funded or assisted construction projects in Alaska.

The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (ADLWD) oversees the implementation and enforcement of the Alaska LDBA.

Definition of "Public Works" in Alaska

In Alaska, "public works" encompasses a wide range of projects:

  • Construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, or maintenance of public structures or infrastructure
  • Projects funded by public money, whether through state, local, or federal sources

Key points:

  • Projects covered by the Alaska LDBA must adhere to wage rates set by the ADLWD
  • Federally funded projects follow the U.S. Department of Labor's Davis-Bacon wage determinations

Alaska Prevailing Wage Determinations: State and Federal Requirements

Alaska Little Davis-Bacon Act (LDBA)

  • The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (ADLWD) determines and publishes prevailing wage rates for state or local projects.
  • ADLWD publishes annual wage determinations specifying prevailing wage rates for various occupations across the state.

Federal Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)

  • Under the Davis-Bacon Act, the U.S. Department of Labor sets prevailing wages for federally funded projects.

Wage rates in both cases vary based on:

  • Location: Different rates apply to rural and urban areas in Alaska
  • Worker Classification: Wages differ by trade (e.g., electricians, plumbers, laborers) and type of work performed

Components of Wage Determinations

Both state and federal wage determinations in Alaska include:

  • Basic Hourly Rate: The minimum wage rate paid directly to workers for every hour worked.
  • Fringe Benefits: Non-cash benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation pay.
  • Total Hourly Rate: The sum of the basic hourly rate and fringe benefits.

For example, if the basic hourly rate is $25 and fringe benefits are $7, the total hourly rate would be $32. If the contractor does not provide fringe benefits, the worker must receive $32 as wages.

Compliance for Contractors and Subcontractors

Contractors and subcontractors working on public works projects in Alaska must:

  1. Determine Applicable Wage Rates:
    • For state/local projects: Use the Alaska Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Administration resources
    • For federal projects, Refer to the U.S. Department of Labor's Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations
  2. Submit Certified Payroll Reports:
    • Document that workers are paid the correct prevailing wage, including fringe benefits
  3. Handle Fringe Benefits:
    • Either provide the fringe benefits as specified or pay the equivalent value in cash to workers
  4. Post Wage Rates On-Site:
    • Display a copy of the prevailing wage determinations at the job site
  5. Maintain Accurate Records:
    • Keep detailed payroll records for all employees working on public works projects

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Violations of the Alaska LDBA or federal Davis-Bacon Act can result in severe penalties, including:

  • Withholding of contract payments
  • Contract termination
  • Debarment from future public contracts
  • Potential civil and criminal penalties

Unique Aspects of Alaska's Prevailing Wage System

  • Dual System: Alaska maintains its prevailing wage law (Alaska LDBA) alongside federal Davis-Bacon requirements
  • Annual Updates: ADLWD publishes annual wage determinations for state projects
  • Geographic Variation: Wage rates in Alaska often vary significantly between urban and rural areas due to cost of living differences

8. Relevant Resources

For the most current and detailed information, always refer to the ADLWD website and consult with legal counsel familiar with Alaska labor laws and federal Davis-Bacon requirements.

Alaska Prevailing Wage FAQs

Q What is the Alaska Little Davis-Bacon Act (LDBA), and to whom does it apply?


The Alaska Little Davis-Bacon Act (LDBA) applies to public works projects funded by state or local governments in Alaska. It requires contractors and subcontractors on these projects to pay workers the prevailing wages determined by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. This applies to a wide range of state construction, repair, and maintenance projects.

Q How are prevailing wage rates determined for public works projects in Alaska?


The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (ADLWD) determines the prevailing wage rates for state or local public works projects in Alaska. These rates are based on surveys of wages paid for similar work in the project's geographic area. For federally funded projects, the U.S. Department of Labor sets the wage rates under the Davis-Bacon Act, which are specific to the location and type of work.

Q Do contractors in Alaska need to provide fringe benefits to meet the prevailing wage requirements?


Yes, contractors in Alaska must provide fringe benefits as part of the total compensation to meet the prevailing wage requirements. These fringe benefits include health insurance contributions, retirement plans, or vacation pay. Employers can pay these benefits directly to workers or contribute to a bona fide benefits plan. The total compensation must match the Total Hourly Rate specified in the prevailing wage determination.

Q What are the penalties for failing to comply with prevailing wage requirements in Alaska?


Contractors who fail to comply with prevailing wage requirements on public works projects in Alaska can face serious penalties. These may include fines, backpayment of wages to affected workers, government withholding of payments, and disqualification from future projects. Both state and federal agencies, such as the Alaska Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Labor, can conduct investigations and enforce penalties for non-compliance.

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